
Tools that are helpful working on a Mac.

Command Line

These are standard linux command line tools that have been compiled for the Intel Macs without any modification. Follow the steps to install these tools.

  1. All of this should be done with an Administrator account.
  2. Download the archive
  3. If you have gpg installed verify the signature by running gpg --verify <archive>.sig
  4. Check the hash by running openssl dgst -sha1 <tar.gz file>
  5. Extract the files by running tar xzf <tar.gz file>
  6. Check the hash of the executable by running openssl dgst -sha1 <file in bin>
  7. Copy the file in /bin to /usr/local/bin by running sudo cp <file in bin> /usr/lcoal/bin/
  8. Copy the file in /man to /usr/local/share/man/man1/ by running sudo cp <file in bin> /usr/local/share/man/man1/
  9. If the destination directory for either of the above two steps does not exist, create it
  10. Make sure the file in /usr/local/bin is executable by all
  • 7za-9.20.tar.gz
    • SHA-1 of 7za-9.20.tar.gz: 910eb7f91056ac66009373a542a45c1b1b82094d
    • Signature: 7za-9.20.tar.gz.sig
    • SHA-1 of the 7za executable: e7b0b37be87354c7188401ea46dc65c6611647b5
  • wget-1.14.tar.gz
    • SHA-1 of wget-1.14.tar.gz: fedb008d414b87e44962e5e17671230aebe88189
    • Signature: wget-1.14.tar.gz.sig
    • SHA-1 of the wget executable: 062e17849d46cecc3d1e6d4a42b88e7eba16d96a
  • gpg-1.4.13.tar.gz
    • SHA-1 of gpg-1.4.13.tar.gz: 45901f228377c65b445104d7037ad26dde70fe7a
    • Signature: gpg-1.4.13tar.gz.sig
    • SHA-1 of the gpg executable: 361b9beec3667abdc01d30b0b5ac0b215b3d4d48
    • SHA-1 of the gpgv executable: 006c7ac41d63f1a1a7aa695428f42acd9f7a54e3

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